Talk to us!

Each day a short devotional will be posted that is drawn from that day’s reading. We would love for you to add your thoughts. Click on where it says "comment" to post your response to the reading of the day (you will need a google account which is easy. It only takes one minute-follow the instructions after you hit the comment button). Also, if you would like this delivered to your inbox, use the subscribe tool on the left hand column. And be sure to forward this link to others who would find this meaningful.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

What is next?

Is this working for you? Later today or tomorrow, you will recieve an invitation to our next daily blog that we will discuss from the book of Acts. It will be the same format: one chapter a day until we are done with the book.

For most of you, if you want to keep your subscription, you will not need to anything. For those of you who use a rss feed, you may need to resubscribe. If you would like to unsubscribe, go ahead--no feelings hurt, we don't know who you are. :)

However, if there are friends that you would like to invite to join this, there will be convenient ways at the end of each posting and email for you to link this to your facebook account, email it to a friends and invite others into the journey.

This has been fun! Thanks for taking the challenge to go through the book of John one chapter a day! Now, let's turn the page to Acts

Marc Lucenius

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has been a great series! What could be better than to start with the Gospel of John. It helped to confirm my faith. And those daily email reminders are super.
-- Lou Phillips